Wednesday, January 23, 2008

PA-13 Heats Up

PAWaterCooler is reporting that Abington attorney Marina Kats is planning another attempt to be the Republican candidate for the 13th congressional district. Two-term Democrat Allyson Schwartz is running for reelection.

A regular correspondent has emailed that a phone survey is underway. It is specific to the 13th congressional district and focuses on Schwartz but mentions Marina Kats as an opponent. The standard questions concerning Iraq, immigration, health care, etc. Short statements were given about Schwartz to see if they would be positive points and another set to see if they would be negative points. No discussion of Kats beyond a question of whether you would vote for Schwartz or Kats. Also questions on positive or negative impressions of McCain, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Rendell and possibly others. I didn't get a full list or complete notes.


  1. OK, maybe this is a reach, but isn't Kats the same as "Katz" except with an "s"? The other "Katz" (Sam variety) was pretty popular up in NE Philly, which is a good chuck of the 13th. It would be in the GOP's interest if the last names are similar enough that voters might mistake the two even though they are different genders.

  2. PD,

    Interesting point. It might not have been intended that way but you never know how the voters will react.
