Thursday, January 17, 2008

House Republicans and Health Care

Robocall strikes again! Today it was the PA House Republicans calling to tell me that Gov. Rendell wants to raise my taxes and let bureaucrats make my medical decisions. The GOP, they tell me, has a plan that won't raise taxes and keeps our doctors in Pennsylvania but the governor won't let it even come up for a vote. The nice lady recording the message suggests I call my state rep and tell them to keep politics out of health care.

That last part really got me. Someone calls me with rabid partisan rhetoric and tells me to keep politics out of the matter? Uh, lady, look in a mirror.

If any tax dollars went into preparing or distributing that message I'd like my money back, please. Those caucus accounts really need to be sliced, diced, and reduced or cut off altogether. If that isn't going to happen (or even if it is), let's make the spending on those accounts public so we can all see where the money is going.

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