Wednesday, December 19, 2007

News Updates

A few updates that you may have already seen:

1) In Montgomery County, Republican Jim Matthews and Democrat Joe Hoeffel did indeed make public a power sharing agreement, which is outlined in "Castor left out of power-sharing deal," by Jacob Fenton in today's Intelligencer. Matthews was re-elected this past November. Hoeffel has served as a county commissioner before, and Bruce Castor was, until his election as commissioner, the county's District Attorney.

2) Josh Drobnyk over at Pennsylvania Avenue is reporting that Democrats are trying to woo Chris Casey, brother of Sen. Bob Casey, Jr., and son of the late Gov. Bob Casey, Sr., to run against Rep. Jim Gerlach in the 6th congressional district. Move quickly, folks, time is short.

3) If you are concerned about the safety of children's toys and you a high tolerance for hearings or reports, Sen. Casey will be on PCN tomorrow at 4:35 with the Pennsylvania Fair Trade Coalition to talk about "Imported Toy Quality." For the truly wonky, the Geospatial Policy Symposium will be on at 10:00, sans the senator.

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