This is a list of bills that passed the Pennsylvania House or Senate this week, and mention of any noteworthy resolutions. Standard caveats apply (resolutions not generally included, list of sponsors deleted if it was too long - three lines in the originally formatting).
Our accountant friends at PICPA have provided their usual informative weekly update. They have some interesting things to say this week about a possible increase in the sales tax.
Other updates this week:
PA GOP Senate
PA Democratic Senate
PA GOP House
PA Democratic House
Nothing caught my eye this week.
HB 848 By Representatives HALUSKA, ARGALL, CLYMER, CREIGHTON, FABRIZIO, HERSHEY, HORNAMAN, W. KELLER, KIRKLAND, MYERS, NAILOR, YOUNGBLOOD, KORTZ, GEIST, COSTA, THOMAS, PALLONE and CALTAGIRONE. Prior Printer's Nos. 962, 1444.Printer's No. 2807. An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, further providing for the sale of unused and unnecessary lands and buildings; providing for State reimbursement for mobile classroom facilities; and making editorial changes.
HB 1025 Prior Printer's Nos. 1290, 1988.Printer's No. 2724. An Act amending the act of June 2, 1915 (P.L.736, No.338), known as the Workers' Compensation Act, further defining "occupational disease."
HB 1033 Prior Printer's No. 1205.Printer's No. 2664. An Act designating September 11 of each year as "Pennsylvania Emergency Responders' Day."
HB 1129 Prior Printer's No. 1380.Printer's No. 2773. An Act providing for sexual violence awareness education programs for new students matriculating to institutions of higher education or private licensed schools that receive public funding and for duties of the Department of Education. (vote on final passage reconsidered)
HB 1622 By Representatives READSHAW, BELFANTI, BLACKWELL, BRENNAN, KORTZ, KULA, MARSHALL, McCALL, MUNDY, PETRARCA, RUBLEY, McILVAINE SMITH, SOLOBAY, VULAKOVICH, YOUNGBLOOD, CALTAGIRONE, MILNE, COSTA, M. SMITH and GALLOWAY. Prior Printer's No. 2075.Printer's No. 2720. An Act amending the act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1004, No.204), entitled "An act extending benefits to police chiefs or heads of police departments of political subdivisions of the Commonwealth who have been removed from bargaining units by the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board," further providing for salary of nonunion police officers.
HB 1693 By Representatives GERGELY, CALTAGIRONE, CAPPELLI, FRANKEL, GOODMAN, JOSEPHS, KORTZ, KULA, LONGIETTI, MAHONEY, McGEEHAN, READSHAW, SHIMKUS, SOLOBAY, YOUNGBLOOD, SIPTROTH and SEIP. Prior Printer's No. 2320.Printer's No. 2665. An Act amending the act of July 9, 1987 (P.L.220, No.39), known as the Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors Act, further defining "practice of social work"; defining "social worker"; providing for endorsement of out-of-State licenses; and further proscribing unlawful practice.
SB 721 By Senators PILEGGI, CORMAN, ERICKSON, PICCOLA, FONTANA, COSTA, RAFFERTY, M. WHITE, MUSTO, DINNIMAN, WAUGH, BAKER and WASHINGTON. Prior Printer's Nos. 788, 933, 1508.Printer's No. 1539. An Act amending the act of July 10, 1990 (P.L.404, No.98), known as the Real Estate Appraisers Certification Act, further providing for real estate appraiser certification required, for powers and duties of board, for application and qualifications, for reciprocity, for certification renewal and record, for disciplinary and corrective measures, for reinstatement, for reporting of multiple certification, for surrender of suspended or revoked certificate, for penalties, for injunctive relief and for scope of practice.
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