Monday, November 12, 2007

A Reminder about

Some time ago I posted a note about a website, Time to refresh the memory, especially on Veterans' Day. A soldier serving abroad, but especially in war zones, can post a note on, telling how many contacts they might have and what those contacts need. Mostly, they ask for things like toothpaste and soap and maybe some snacks, crackers, beef jerky and the like. The site tells you what sort of things you can send and how to send them. You can put together a small parcel and mail it off to the contact listed -- they will distribute the parcels to the people they run into, especially those who don't get much mail from home. It is a fantastic service. They've tightened up security since last time I went there -- now you have to give up your address to get one from the site, sounds like a few people misbehaved so they want to be able to track you down if you do.

The site says the most important thing you can send are letters. As I was looking at the list of contacts I ran across a woman from a unit whose home base is in Pennsylvania. She sounded sad. So I signed up for her address and wrote her a letter. Even used one of my nifty Nancy Drew note cards.

Really, people, for as long as the war has been going on, if you haven't done something for the troops over there you definitely need to. Even if it is just writing a short note to someone. Don't know what to say? Here, how's this:


We really appreciate the work you are doing over there and the sacrifices you are making. Hope you are safely home soon.

[Your name here]

That is not hard. Better yet, get some friends together and assemble a few care packages. Or if you don't want to do that you can order one and it will be mailed for you. There are links on the anysoldier site for doing that.

I'm serious. Do something.

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