Monday, November 05, 2007

Friday's Rally in Love Park

Last Friday I was in the city and skipped lunch to attend the noon rally in Love Park. It was originally intended to be a get out the vote rally but after the shooting of Officer Cassidy it became a rally to mourn him and to reduce gun deaths in the city.

Jeff Shield's "Heard in the Hall" take is worth reading -- they have some better quotes.

Rep. Bob Brady (D-01) was master of ceremonies. A number of dignitaries were on the stage. Some on the list below Brady named, others I recognized. There are doubtless others there whom I missed. This is especially true as I was focused on current, past, and likely future, politicians. Apologies.

John Younge, candidate for superior court
Christine Donohue, candidate for superior court
LeAnna Washington, state senator for 4th district
Curtis Jones, city council candidate for the 4th district
Willie Singletary, judge of traffic court candidate [blogger’s note: the Inky has asked that people not vote for him, as he has accumulated a number of traffic fines; I concur]
John Ianelli, candidate for Delaware County Council
Maria Quinones Sanchez, city council candidate for 7th district
Sean McAleer, city council candidate for 10th district
Larry Curry, state representative for 154th district
Lynn Abraham, Philadelphia District Attorney
Jackie Frazier, judicial candidate
Anna Verna, city councilwoman, 2nd district
Josh Shapiro, state representative for the 153rd district [see tie notes below]
Mickey Simon, Cheltenham Twp commissioner, 6th ward
Cherelle Parker, state representative, 200th district
Tony Payton, state representative, 179th district
Michael Nutter, mayoral candidate
Lisa Nutter, married to Michael Nutter
Bill Greene, city council candidate, at large
Michael [did not catch last name]
Bill Greenlee, city councilman, at large
Jon Saidel
Rep. Chaka Fattah

Time only allowed for a few people to speak. These are just a few notes from comments. It was outside, a little chilly, and there was no hard surface to write on so a few of my notes are indecipherable. The crowd was divided into those in the VIP pen and the rest of us. A woman on the stage signed as people spoke.

Bob Brady: There is a fallen hero in our city. This was to be a get out the vote rally but that it not appropriate now.

John Younge: Let us not forget those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. Justice is for law enforcement, too. This has got to stop. New day, new administration.

Jon Saidel: We have an opportunity on Tuesday to change the lives of our friends and family. We live or die together. On Tuesday we vote; on Wednesday we are one city.

Christine Donohue: We share your pain and distaste for the horrible happening. The election is all the more important to make sure something like this never happens again.

Pat Gillespie and another guy named Pat who are union officials (building trades and something else): Somebody knows who that guy is and needs to come forward. There is too much pressure on police. Get behind Nutter. Don’t be petty.

Lynn Abraham: The signer is my former next door neighbor. Look at what our city has become. We have museums, new buildings, people standing together. What to do about people who won’t vote for sensible gun control. Can’t just pray to God. Need to end culture of not talking, not seeing, not testifying. Step up, speak up, say no to gun lobby.

Chaka Fattah: Can’t just be upset for the moment, not a sprint but a long distance run. New buildings in the city but in the neighborhoods there isn’t the same optimism. Where there is crime don’t focus on the criminal but on turning other young people away from life of crime. I pledge to work with Michael Nutter. We must vote our hopes not just our fears.

Bobby Edwards (former head of FOP): Work together to stop burying our offices and our children. It’s got to stop.

Brian McBride, firefighter: [did not catch]

Michael Nutter: [Ironically he had to pause for the sound of sirens to fade]. We are in Love Park for a reason. This is the city of brotherly and sisterly love and we need to start acting like it. Three officers shot in three days, one fatally. How many more? I’ve had enough. Somebody knows who did this. Step up. Be a man. Be a woman. We will find out. It seems to empty to talk about politics. Ask what can I do to make my neighborhood better? What can I do today? Accept some personal responsibility. Take care of your own children. This isn’t a job just for elected officials. Everyone needs to do their part. We won’t do it for you but with you.

The rally ended around 1 p.m.

The most wonderful thing about attending the rally and hearing Nutter speak is that I actually have faith in him, that he believes what he is saying and will work towards common goals for the good of the city.

[Miscellaneous tie note: I couldn’t get a good look at most of the people on the stage and of those I could not much jumped out at me. However, I did note that Josh Shapiro ws wearing a seasonal pale orange tie. As I was walking to the train after my meeting I saw another man wearing a similarly colored tie, although his had a subtle design in it – perhaps Shapiro’s did as well and it was visible from the distance.]

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