Thursday, November 15, 2007

Charlie Dent Feels Left Out

The Politico has a new-ish article on the SCHIP bill, which starts out with:

Democrats are considering giving Republicans a stark choice on the stalled children’s health bill: Cut a deal now or face a politically treacherous vote on the issue a month before next fall’s elections.

Pennsylvania's own Charles Dent, Congressman for the 15th district, has a complaint:

Republican Reps. Deborah Pryce of Ohio and Charles W. Dent of Pennsylvania sent a letter to Democratic leaders on Wednesday, complaining that “there is no official process for members of both parties to evaluate proposed changes to the various legislative proposals.”

This is a standard complaint from the minority party, especially late in the congressional session, when the schedule is tight and lots of legislation needs to be moved.

Read the entire article: "Republicans complain about SCHIP shutout," by Martin Kady II, Nov. 14

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