Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Big News from Bill DeWeese

Democratic Majority Leader and State Rep. Bill DeWeese issued a press release today, notable for two reasons:

1) He shakes up his staff, with several long-time aides leaving, and hiring a number of other people, some of whom have impressive reform credentials.

2) The longest word in the press release, restructured, has only 12 letters, and the only two adjectives in his comments are administrative and additional. No unusual or uncommon words were used at all.

These two points, taken together, and not occurring on April 1, are somewhat baffling. If your favorite movie is "The Body Snatchers" you may go with the pod people theory. Those who prefer "A Christmas Carol" may favor a Tom Corbett as the ghost of Christmas future explanation.

See the Inquirer, "7 Democratic state House aids leave jobs," by Mario Cattabiani and Angela Couloumbis posted today, 11/13.

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