Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Reserved Officials

Some of you may have read about Congressman Chris Carney’s recent 2 week service in the Navy Reserves (”Carney to report for 2 weeks of military duty Citizens Voice 9/08/07).

You might not have caught the mention of another reservist official. In “Health boss demoted in double dip scandal,” by Bob Warner Philadelphia Daily News 9/21/07 there is this sentence:
Williams was contacted by e-mail in Germany, where he is on active duty with the Army Reserves.

The reference is to Philadelphia’s Inspector General R. Seth Williams, who has been in the Judge Advocate General’s corps of the Army Reserves since 1998. He was commissioned a First Lieutenant and is currently a Captain. Williams enrolled at West Point in 1985 but transferred to Penn State the next year. (“Williams follows leadership pattern,” by Marc Freeman the Collegian 10/21/88)

You can read more of his student activist days in this post from 2005.

Criminals beware, as part of his reservist training he has to qualify with an M-16 each year.

(Trivia: He is not the only Seth Williams to attend West Point. A Civil War general of the same name was a West Point grad. )


  1. Additional trivia for ya: What does the "R." in R. Seth Williams stand for?

  2. According to the bio on his work website: http://www.phila.gov/oig/intro.htm
    his father's first name was Rufus so that would be my first guess.

    Second on my list would be Robert, simply because it is such a popular name, or was. There were a number of Roberts in my high school class, but I'm some years older than Williams is.

    If you know, will you tell us?
