Thursday, September 06, 2007

Live Blogging with Congressional Staff

In the first of what he hopes will be a number of live blogging events, John Morgan of The Pennsylvania Progressive has invited Rachel Magnuson, Communication Director for Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz, office to appear on his blog next Thursday Friday beginning at 1 p.m.

I've emailed with Rachel and find her informative and trustworthy. If you have the opportunity, be sure to wander over and send her a question.

UPDATE: The day was changed to allow for observance of the holiday on Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the support. Because Thursday is Rosh Hashanah we're moving the session to Friday the 14th at 1 pm to accomodate the many Schwartz supporters who will be following their faith Thursday.

    We'd love to have this be the beginning of a trend having area Democratic legislators and staff communicate via the blogosphere.

    The Congresswoman's staff has been great to deal with and are very supportive of the netroots.
