Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Few News Updates

A light posting this evening due to working on longer posts for next week, and a few more template tweaks over the weekend.

Here are a few updates:

David Landau, Democratic candidate for Delaware County Council, has been endorsed by the Pennsylvania chapter of the Sierra Club.

State Rep Rick Taylor (D-151) has introduced a new bill:
Under Taylor’s legislation (H.B. 1803), sexually violent predators would be prohibited from living within 2,500 feet of a public, private or parochial elementary school; a licensed day-care center; or a public park, playground or swimming pool.

Taylor is especially anxious to enact the bill to close a loophole in the Pennsylvania Crimes Code that allows those convicted of solicitation to commit an offense against a minor from being subject to the requirements of Megan’s Law. His bill would make online solicitation of a child for sex subject to Megan’s Law, which allows the public to be informed where registered sex offenders are living.

Additionally, Taylor’s bill would:

* require a person convicted of a sexual offense against a minor to wear a 24-hour-a-day electronic monitor when on probation or supervised release;
* allow the district attorney of the county where a released child sexual offender plans to live to testify in the offender’s parole board hearing; and
* empower state police to run twice-annual random verification of the addresses of sexually violent predators and confirm their compliance with counseling requirements. The random checks would supplement quarterly scheduled appointments.

If you are a blogger and want to let the world know where you are, or more to the point, which SEPTA stop you are near, send you info to Since I don't actually have a location but hover over the region like a cloud, I won't be joining the fun.

For those who like to see presidential politics up close and personal, consider a trip to New Hampshire with those zany kids from Campaigns & Elections. Their Presidential Primary Safari will be held Oct. 1 and 2.


  1. I see that Gil Spencer actually wrote something positive about David Landau. Mr. Landau's office is a few blocks my my home, and I just may stop in to say hello.

    He seems to be sincere in what he believes in.

  2. If you visit Landau's office, ask to see the turtle. The staff is great but I was especially impressed with the turtle.
