Sunday, September 09, 2007

Email Trouble

Brett Lieberman reports in today's Patriot News that some "dirty on your neighbor" emails have been floating around in the 2008 Pennsylvania Attorney General race. Purporting to be from a supporter of Democrat Jim Eisenhower, they actually seem to be coming from someone affiliated with Democrat John Morganelli. Those crazy kids!

The entire article "Candidate linked to critical e-mails," is available online.


  1. In the following section
    "Other PA

    On Friday, Sept. 14, the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine has an ad for it’s Alzheimer’s research."

    you spelled "its" incorrectly. The possessive has no apostrophe.

  2. David,

    Thank you. Those typos were made in one of the PA in the WSJ posts but I appreciate the fact that you read closely enough to notice.
