Sunday, August 26, 2007

National Priorities Project Update

From the inbox, our friends at the National Priorities Project send us this:

On Food Stamps: NPP just released today an analysis of 2004 county-level data and statistics that shows that half of all low-income people did not receive Food Stamp benefits. The report looks at the percentage of low-income people receiving Food Stamp benefits in each county in the country, juxtaposing it with poverty rates. Click here for the report and go to the NPP Database to find your county's information. And keep your eyes peeled for it in your local paper -- the story appeared in eight papers from across the country within hours of its release this morning.

On Cost of Iraq War: We have updated our cost of war factsheets, which includes the cost and trade-offs for each state and congressional district. If you want to visit your congressperson while they're home in these next few weeks, this is just the piece of paper to leave behind.

The cost of war factsheet for Pennsylvania provides information for the state as well as congressional district. The congressional district data also includes estimates on the number of children that could have been provided with health care, and the number of affordable housing units or elementary schools that could have been built, with the amount spent on the war for that district. The statewide data compares the number of soldiers killed and wounded in the country and the state. I haven't verified the numbers but it is interesting to look at regardless.

1 comment:

  1. Last week I helped release a report on the Cost of War to PA, which was based on stats from the NPP. My only complaint is that they should focus on the cuts to programs that vets use. We'll be looking at that tomorrow night in Reading. I think it's very important to make the point clear that our military families are getting hit twice by BushCo's heinous government.
