Monday, August 20, 2007

Jim Dean's Visit

A few emails have come in about last Sunday’s Damsker / Hoeffel fundraiser at the Shanachie Pub and Restaurant in Ambler. Jim Dean, chairman of Democracy for America, drove down from Connecticut to speak and planned to drive back later in the day. One of his primary themes is that expensive television ads in the last few weeks of the campaign just won’t do it anymore. Candidates and their supporters have to get out on the street, knock on doors, and ask people to come out to vote. Ruth Damsker and Joe Hoeffel also spoke. Kevin Shaw of MontcoDFA organized the event.

A video of Jim’s remarks is on the MontcoDFA web site:

Other notaries reported in attendance:

Peter Amuso, candidate for District Attorney
Ed Cheri, candidate for Sheriff
State Rep. Rick Taylor
Paul Gallagher, candidate for Horsham town council
Lori Schrieber, Abington Township commissioner
Det Ansinn, Doylestown Borough Councilman
Jeff Albert, who ran for state senate in ‘06
Chuck Pennacchio, who will be speaking at a Montgomery County Health Care Forum this Wednesday.

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