Sunday, August 12, 2007

Catching Up

I'm baaaaack!!! Did you miss me?

Clan Jane has been traveling around a little this summer, a trip to DC (no politics), a visit to the Lebanon / Indian Gap, and a family vacation with friends and relatives who have a pool in their backyard.

In DC I asked a cab driver if congressmen tipped well. He said no and that neither did their staff but lobbyists were very generous. He also told me that cabdrivers hate to see congress go out for recess because the town was dead while everyone was gone. Interesting.

Lebanon and environs is a beautiful area. We drove past a lot of nice houses and my imagination started to wander. I asked Mr. J if he thought they were on the sewer system or had septic tanks. He said septic tanks and that ruined the fantasy for me.

In any event, here are a few things that happened while I was away.

Daddy Democrat has a rundown on possible Republican contenders in the 7th congressional district. Keystone Politics had a similar discussion on potential GOP candidates for the 8th.

For more Delco news, check out this local blog and website.


  1. Very interesting. I'd expect the lobbyists to tip well, as they make the most money it seems.
    What's up with the fact that congressman don't show some love?

  2. You missed the Bykovsky column?

  3. Phil, Maybe the cabbies just confuse the congressional reps with their poorly paid staff. Given that they have to maintain two homes their salaries aren't all that great either, though it is sometimes hard to feel much sympathy.

    PD, if someone's job is to get attention sometimes the worst thing you can do is ignore them.
