Tuesday, August 28, 2007

April Senate Journals

The Pennsylvania State Senate Journals are posted on the senate's website, though they tend to run behind. Here are some notes from the April Senate Journals. Most of the Journal is taken up with lists of bills, introduction of guests, celebratory resolutions and so on. I only take note of substantive discussion on pending legislation.

April 16 (51 p.)
April 17 (18 p.)
April 18 (11 p.)
April 23 (14 p.)
April 24 (16 p.)
April 25 (14 p.)
April 30 (16 p.)

April 17, pp. 3-4, pay for county District Attorneys

April 23, pp. 12-14, Sen. Fumo on Iraq (again).

April 25, p. 14, Sen. Hughes reacts to yesterday’s sign in the Rotunda saying Rep. Angel Cruz should be hung from the tree of liberty

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