Wednesday, July 25, 2007

More on She Should Run

I wrote earlier about a new website She Should Run, which allows people to nominate one or more women to run for office. According to SSR, most women who do become candidates do so because someone asked them to. Hillary Clinton has added a short video to the site, talking about her decision to run for office. Of all the video footage I have seen of the senator this is the one I like the best.

If you are stumped for ideas on who to nominate let me offer you a sneak peak into next month's Philadelphia Magazine, the Best of Philly issue. They highlight two prospective women candidates but let me share their "Person Who Should Be Elected as Something."

It's embarrassing that six middle-aged men ran for mayor this year. Young, smart Alba Martinez -- currently president and CEO of United Way -- is the kind of woman we'd love to see leading the city someday.

Never heard of Martinez? I hadn't either, though I can think of a number of other women I would like to see in office in the area. However, after a quick look at Martinez's resume, I can see their logic.

So if you can't think of anyone else to nominate at She Should Run (take a look at the presidents of your local PTA, friends of the library, or environmental / preservation organization, that's where you will often find smart, politically savvy, civic minded women; true confessions: I have never held any of those offices), you can always nominate Alba Martinez.

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