Sunday, July 15, 2007

February Pennsylvania House Journals

In a continuing effort to catch up with summarizing previously released state house journals, I bring you February.

The Pennsylvania State House of Representatives met in full session (theoretically at least) on seven days.

Feb. 1 (5 p.)
Feb. 5 (16 p.)
Feb. 6 (22 p.)
Feb. 7 (6 p.)
Feb. 12 (18 p.)
Feb. 13 (15 p.)
Feb. 14 (1 p.)

Most pages of the journal are full of lists of bills being shuffled off to committee or being voted on with little or no discussion. There are also local sports teams and visitors and so on to be congratulated and introduced. What I look for primarily is interesting discussion or quotes that seem noteworthy.

Feb. 5
p. 2-3, Rep. Louise Bishop compares Sen. Marge Tartaglione to Rosa Parks because of the senators fight to raise the state’s minimum wage.

Feb. 6
p. 4-10, Gov. Rendell’s budget address (this is where it all started).
p. 10-12, Rep. Dwight Evans’ address on the budget
p. 12 Rep. Mario Civera’s address on the budget

Feb. 7
Committee membership changes are mentioned.

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