Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Willow Grove Naval Air Station Update

As you may have read, Gov. Rendell is suggesting that the Willow Grove Naval Air Station become a homeland security hub. According to the Inquirer (“Willow Grove base to become a security hub,“ by Amy Worden, 6/01):

Gov. Rendell said he envisions the base - with its 8,000-foot runway, large storage and training facilities, and independent power-generating station - as a model homeland security center for the mid-Atlantic region. Under the plan, military units would be based there, along with civilian emergency response and preparedness operations.

Worden’s article goes into a lot of the details regarding the base’s proposed usage, runway length, and so on. There has been some fear in the area surrounding the base that it would be used for a commercial package service hub or other commercial purpose that would include large numbers of flights landing and taking off at all hours.

State Rep. Rick Taylor (D-151) has proposed legislation that would keep commercial and cargo planes from using the base. (“Ban on civilian flights sought,” by Melissa Busch, Bucks County Courier Times, 6/05)

According to Taylor's press release:

Gov. Ed Rendell declared Thursday that Willow Grove will continue to serve the region as a national security and emergency preparedness hub, and not for civilian passenger or cargo use.

But without putting the policy into law, a future governor could eliminate the restriction.

“My neighbors don’t want to see a loaded 747 landing in their backyard,” said Taylor. ”I have spoken with the governor. He is sincere in his commitment to not allow Willow Grove to become a hub for commercial air passenger and cargo operations, but he can’t speak for future administrations.”

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