Sunday, June 10, 2007

Request from Michael Nutter

Democratic mayoral candidate is asking people to tell him what their top priority for the city should be:

“Imagine that Michael Nutter has shown up at your home, and is sitting across the kitchen table from you. You have his undivided attention.

“So, complete the following sentence: “Yo, Mike, the one thing I really need you to do is ...”

“The key to this exercise is not to list seven things, 11 things, or 32. They key is to think hard, then narrow your wish list to the single thing most important to you as you live your life in this city or region.

“Once you’ve done that, write down how you’d finish that sentence in a little essay of 150 words or so.”

Send your thoughts to the Inquirer's Great Expectations blog:


  1. Call me skeptical, but isn't this a bad way to start off? Soon-to-be mayor Nutter has lived in the city his whole life, he's been on city council for 14 years and he's been involved in politics for many years, yet now he's asking residents what issues are important to them?

  2. I am skeptical, too, but for different reasons. I assume this is a pr ploy to let people feel they have a part in the process. However, given the platform he ran on, I'm also willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he's sincere. Plus, I think the Inky's great expectations project is very sincere in wanting to improve the city. Hard to say.
