Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Nutter Live Chat

The Next Mayor invited Michael Nutter for a live chat on their website today. Al Taubenberger is up next Thursday at 10:00 a.m. These aren't like those nifty webchats that Dwight Evans had. These are unmoderated free for all strictly text chats. I connected and hit refresh every once in a while to see what new things had been posted but it was hard to follow. The questioners started chatting (arguing) with each other. Nutter, bless him, tried to keep up. The topics went from the broad and general (crime, education) to the very specific (why isn't my street plowed?).

Wendy at The Next Mayor tried to put the answers with the proper questions and divide it by topic. The transcript is up on their blog. Some of the extraneous questions (you're really a Republican, aren't you?) are not included. This is okay with me.

Nutter is really trying to get some feedback from the citizenry and the Next Mayor is providing a real service offering these chats.

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