Monday, May 07, 2007

A Very Quick Look at Frank Daly

Frank Daly is on the ballot for Delaware County Court of Common Pleas. Public service runs in the family. His grandfather was Senator Congressman John Burrwood Daly, who pushed for social security legislation in the 1930’s. The Delaware County Times provides more family history:
How bad can a guy be when his uncle was the late Hubie Ryan of Frog Pond fame and one of my all-time favorites, and he is a first cousin to Frank Ryan, one of the great halfbacks in county history?

Not only that, but his political mentor was the late Jim "Apples" Gorbey, former Chester major and eventual federal judge. What's more, proudly displayed on his office wall is a photo of him with two more rather prominent Republicans, President Ronald Reagan and Mr. Ridley Township, Nick Catania. Like I say, the guy can't be all bad (2/09).

If I have my Frog Ponds right, this is a place I have eaten in and can vouch for it being a local landmark.

In 1992 Daly ran for the 7th congressional district against Curt Weldon. Daly was the mayor of Media for 10 years, has been an attorney for over 30 years and holds a graduate degree in taxation. Under his leadership Media rebuilt its aging water and sewer treatment system, kept taxes down, reduced burglary rate and revitalized its shopping district. (10/23)

More recently he has been in the news for representing the family of an under-18 volunteer fireman who was killed in the line of duty recognized on the fireman’s memorial, and for his family to received federal death benefits (more info here).

In a ranking by the county’s bar association Daly, who is a Democrat but cross-listed on the ballot, came in third behind two Republican Republicans (4/23). Daly’s appeal is bipartisan. Media is a Republican borough in a Republican county yet he was elected and re-elected mayor there.

I did my usual research on him but found that most of the relevant information was already on his campaign website. One quote I found and liked that wasn’t there is this from his 1992 congressional run.

“I am sailing against the wind,” he said in an interview (4/11)

Bon voyage!


Gebhart, Ed, “Politics aside, Daly valiant in latest fight,” Delaware County Times, 2/09/07

Kanaley, Reid, “Deep in the heart of Delco, ….” Philadelphia Inquirer 10/23/1992

Kanaley, Reid, “Endorsed she declines to return the favor,” Philadelphia Inquirer 4/11/1992

McKee, Jason, “Common pleas judge candidates judged by county bar,” Delaware County Times, 4/23/07

Taylor, Leon, “Social security vote has paid off,” Philadelphia Daily News 8/15/1985


  1. One minor quibble--we locals would not say that Media, PA is a Republican town. Even though it is the county seat for THE Republican machine, it's considered a leading Democratic borough. Not quite a Swarthmore in its leftiness, but good turf for Democratic candidates. This is America's first fair trade town, after all!

    Daly is a GOOD guy, and a true public servant. He has a shot in this one.
