Monday, May 14, 2007

Today's Robocall Roundup & Other Election Thoughts

Casa Jane has received 3 robocalls so far today. One was on local school board elections. Another was from Gov. Rendell encouraging us to vote for C. Darnell Jones for Pennsylvania Supreme Court Judge. The third was from Lt. Gov. Catherine Baker Knoll encouraging us to vote for James Deleon for Superior Court Judge.

ACM at A Smoke Filled Room has a good overview of the Philadelphia elections. Young Philly Politics and The Next Mayor have good information also.

My personal notes:

For mayor of Philadelphia, please vote for Michael Nutter or Dwight Evans. Please do NOT vote for Tom Knox.

For Supreme Court Judge, please do NOT vote for Willis Berry. I favor Debra Todd and C. Darnell Jones here. There's another judge running but he put the letters NFL in all of his ads and my eyes just glaze over and shift to something else.

But whatever you do, VOTE!!!!


  1. I got about 6 or 7 robocalls yesterday. The legislation to make this illegal can't come soon enough. :)

    As for Nutter, I hope anyone thinking about voting for him will consider his support for a warrantless stop, search and seize policy in Philadelphia. To put it bluntly, it means if the cops can stop and search you WITHOUT cause. This is the same thing Timoney and Abraham did during the 2000 RNC convention in Philadelphia. It resulted in several innocent people being jailed on 1M bond and all the cases were eventually thrown out of court. Yes, gun violence is on the rise due to many factors, but is warrantless stop and search the answer? The potential for abuse is great just as happened with the NSA warrantless wiretaps. I, as a liberal Democrat, do not support throwing civil rights out the window because we are afraid of something.

    I personally won't be voting for Nutter and I hope the majority of my fellow Philadelphians won't either.

  2. Guys. Thanks.

    1) We are keeping a database of robocalls across the nation at our blog.

    2) If you get the AUDIO, please record it and post to the internet and let us know about it.

    3) We are fighting back with the Nation's only non-profit Political Do Not Contact Registry.


    Shaun Dakin
