Saturday, May 19, 2007

PA in the WSJ

It was another slow week for the Keystone state in the Wall Street Journal. That may be just as well. Last year the WSJ gave us a fantastic deal on home delivery. We knew it was a teaser and that the piper would present a bill in time. Sure enough the renewal notice came in the mail and it is for quite a bit more this year. Mr. J and I are trying to decide if it is worth the money to continue.

PA Politicians

In “Campaigns embrace use of text messages,” by Amy Schatz, we find this passage:
A handful of politicians have experimented with text-messaging in previous elections. Howard Dean tried it when he sought the 2004 Democratic nomination, and Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum used text messaging to reach out to female voters last year. (5/15)

Former Rep. Pat Toomey is quoted in “Giuliani raves signal Republican split,” by Jackie Calmes (5/16)

PA Businesses

Brief mention – Rippletech of Conshocken, a data-access intelligence provider (5/17)

Brief mention – II-VI, Inc. of Saxonburg, a crystal-growth technology company (5/15)

Mylan of Canonsburg is highlighted in “Mylan is now big generics player after deal for unit of Merck KGaA,” by Andrew Dowell, Gangolf Schrimpf, and Dennis K. Berman (5/14)

More Mylan in “Will Mylan be next to go?” by Robert Cryan and Rob Cox (5/15)

Hershey is mentioned in “Milk prices pressure food firms,” by Anjali Cordeiro (5/16)

Other PA

Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg of Philadelphia’s CHOP is quoted in “Helping overbooked kids cut back,” by Sue Shellenberger (5/17)

The University of Pennsylvania expects to admit fewer students from its waiting list this year, as noted in “Hopes dim for kids on college wait lists,” by Anjali Athavaley (5/16)

According to “Free eats sell bad ballpark seats,” by Adam Thompson and Jon Weinbach (5/16) the Philadelphia 76ers are considering charging higher prices for less appealing seats, sweetening the deal with free food.

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