Wednesday, May 09, 2007

In the Mailbox

Today Tim McCormick, Democratic candidate for superior court judge sent me a postcard telling me I am a super voter and asking me to keep up the good work. This is interesting because never before has any candidate acknowledged my voting record. I appreciated it. One quibble -- his campaign website is not listed anywhere on the postcard. Should anyone else have received the same card and noted the same thing, here is the URL:


  1. The Super Voter was the hot demographic in the last election and it's true. Good research by his campaign.

  2. I'm not sure that you'd know whether candidates were "acknowledging" your super-voter status -- probably you'd just get twice the mailings and leaflets of other voters and not realize it. As somebody who has decided which subsets of Dems to target for a canvass or lit drop, I can tell you that attendance matters...


  3. ACM, I don't know. Sometimes it sounds like then neighbors get more political ads than I do. Plus, wouldn't you focus more on the folks who may or may not show up at the polls as opposed to those who are reliable? I guess in a contested primary it is super voters who matter most, as they're most like to actually vote. Interesting. It's just the first time anyone actually acknowledge me as such. And they assume you know what that means -- there was no explanation that is just refers to a consistent voting record.
