Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Election Results Resources

Our electricity went out at home this morning and only came back on as I was going out the door, so this is a rare "from the office" posting.

Here are some resources for election results:

The Next Mayor


PA Dept of State


It is interesting to note how hard it is to find full election results the day after.


  1. It's amazing to me that when you go the City of Philadelphia Election Bureau website, it asks you for a password! I have never seen any government restrict access to public records like this. You literally cannot find out the official election results from the City/County of Philadelphia. Isn't anyone but me outraged by this?

  2. I was amazed at how hard it was to even find full election results. Everyone had the mayoral info, beyond that you had to dig. Even finding out how many at large or judicial candidates could be selected was hard, and without that the raw numbers are useless.

  3. The Committee of Seventy usually has up-to-date info on the candidates and ballot questions. They have results, too.
