Tonight I was able to sit in on Democratic mayoral candidate and current state Rep. Dwight Evans' fifth webchat. These are my rough notes. I had a little trouble with the sound on my laptop so I missed some of the questions and answers and this is noted in the relevant spots. More than usual, I apologize for any errors or misconceptions.
Wendell Young IV moderator, head of local 1776 of the United Food and Commercial Workers union. It was an easy decision to endorse Dwight, and the union did so back in October. DE has a record of more than 2 decades of accomplishment. Actions speak louder than words. Fight crime. Improve education in West Oak Lane. Has improved standard of living for working families. Champion for district, region and state as a whole. Example, Fresh Food Financing Initiative, to bring grocery stores back to underserved areas. Meant well over 1000 good jobs in Philadelphia and the commonwealth.
DE: Thank Wendell for his leadership. [missed introductory remarks]
Q: How will more police help?
DE: We need both police and also juvenile workers and probation officers
Q: How would you change the look of the Nicetown area? Are there plans for a Home Depot or Lowes?
DE: possible, also a possible location for a supermarket, also talk to SEPTA about cleaning up their site
Q: what are you ideas on tax relief for Philadelphia?
DE: wage tax reduction
Q: is patronage and cronyism hurting government?
DE: most government workers are good, but would I not supportive of those who are not productive. Do believe system needs to change. Good people trapped in bad system. How do find credible people who want to do the right thing.
Q: require gun owners to report loss or theft within 72 hours
DE: moving in the right direction, very important, need people to be involved in this effort
Q: Crime is down in your district, how would you replicate this in other parts of the city?
DE: part of 4 legged table [reference to his campaign platform, which uses the table as its symbol], has to be a sustainable effort over a long period of time, short term strategy and long term strategy, view as public health issue, violence is a learned behavior, impedes growth and development of city United Food Commercial Workers
Q: How long will Phillies lead over Yankees last?
DE: Impressed with Phillies lately
Q: domestic violence
DE: Learned behavior, very much in the forefront of issues he is concerned with, make sure court system is sensitive to issue
Q: why are other candidates not signing on to good government pledge
DE: don’t know why other candidates won’t sign on to good government
Q: what do you plan to do to make SEPTA more efficient?
DE: need predictable revenue stream, number of options, leasing turnpike, oil profits, and others, partner with suburbs
Q: abandoned house issues
DE: in Baltimore forcing owners to improve abandoned homes, a quality of life issue, too many abandoned houses in some areas in Philadelphia
Q: should police be able to stop and frisk
DE: do not believe you should break the law to enforce the law. Police dept needs to have flexibility
Q: relationships between crime and job creation especially in retail
DE: If you don’t create job opportunities for everyone they will take other options. Retail essential to growth of city. Union grocery jobs good salary, benefits. If people have that they are less likely to turn to crime.
Q: correlation between lack of mental health facilities and violence?
DE: People who participate in violence are not thinking. [missed some of this] Another reason it is a public health issue
Q: Rendell cleaned bathrooms in city hall as first action, what would you do?
DE: clean streets, start litter campaign, dirty city is not a safe city, not a city moving forward
Q: idea for conservation corps for Philly youth
DE: At one time Penn Foundation put up funding for [missed this] Develop opportunities for young people in cleaning up city, greening initiative, a green city is a safe city
Q: who would you want as police commissioner
A: John Timoney. Does not mean people in the dept not eligible for that position. Number one priority is to make this the safest big city in America
Q: service sector jobs have low salary with no benefits
DE: Because of offshoring there are fewer higher paying jobs with good benefits. [missed too much of this]
Q: young people and murders, curfew?
DE: we have not focused on the basics, should enforce curfew and truancy
Q: clean up schools in Philly?
DE: Have students be a part of that effort, every day can be a day of service, mentoring, Big Bros needs 1400 mentors, would like city workers to participate
Q: Vallas [Paul Vallas, CEO of the school system, recently announced his resignation]
DE: set up blue ribbon panel to not only select new person but put together plan for next 5 years, smaller classes. Paul Vallas did a good job moving us to where we are today. Charter schools are public schools. If we are going to grow the city we need to provide more opportunities.
Q: qualities for school CEO, what does Philly have to do to get more funding?
DE: new educational entrepreneur, money, need to improve schools to get more money, in Philly $10K spent per year per child, school system should be very much a part of city’s improvement
Q: CEP a massive failure [Community Education Partners]
DE: supportive of alternative forms of education but must be held accountable and evaluated. Remember this is taxpayers money.
Q: vouchers?
DE: [missed this] poor people should have the same options as rich people. Vouchers not a magic answer but a tool. Need to focus on what works. Education the most essential element in reducing violence and creating jobs. Don’t blame teachers or principals but people trapped in a bad system.
Q: Create more jobs for recent college graduates?
DE: Will have a higher education council or advisors, what are jobs in the future, local colleges and universities get a lot of research money. U Penn has vet school, Philadelphia has agricultural school with country’s largest FFA [Future Farmers of America], need to link them up
Q: more oversight over charter schools
DE: charter schools must be accountable, but when parents take kids out affects school’s budget. Must stop pitting city schools and charter schools. Charter schools are public schools. If charter schools closed city schools could not absorb the students. Should have smaller schools and charter schools allow that
Q: getting employers to offer health benefits
DE: federal govt has shirked responsibility in this area. Greatest task for this country.
Q: how can those outside good old boy network get jobs
DE: support committee of 70 position that this should not occur, every citizen of Philly should have opportunity
Q: how as mayor can you help teach young people right from wrong
DE: what happens in your house can have a larger effect than what happens in city hall. Talk with faith based groups, people like Big Brothers / Big Sisters. Need to have churches open 6 days a week, challenges can’t be addressed by government alone. Getting people involved. Use bully pulpit, use budget incentives to drive behavior, after school behaviors. Started Kid Zone in NE Philly
Q: plan to restore citizen’s faith in city govt?
DE: project citizen at constitution Center, high school students learn about citizenship. Will open up city government like it has not been opened before
Q: what can senior citizens look forward to
DE: have been very supportive, [missed this] need to look at property tax and assessment system, need to freeze property tax on seniors, make sure they are part of board and commissions. Supported PACE bill and lottery funds for seniors. Check my record on this.
[missed closing remarks]
No doubt Dwight is a smart and thoughtful guy. He'd be fine as mayor, but personally I believe he can do more to help the city in his current spot as chairman of the state house appropriations committee with a Dem governor than he can as mayor.