Sunday, May 20, 2007

Bennett vs Dent in '08?

From ("Keystone Dems Steeling for Run at Rep. Dent After Failed ’06 Bid," by Greg Giroux) , on the 15th congressional district, currently held by Republican Charlie Dent:

The Democrats appear to have a consensus candidate in Siobhan “Sam” Bennett, a local Democratic activist and past candidate for Allentown mayor who heads the party organization in that city, the 15th’s most populous.


Dent reported raising $184,000 in the first three months of this year and had $221,000 in his campaign account as April began. Bennett said that she has received pledges of $162,000 thus far.


  1. Biby,

    Thanks for stopping in. Hope all is well on the other side of the Moon.

  2. I'd like to see either of my old KP
    colleagues, LVDem or Greg Palmer, think seriously about challenging Dent. They are both young, yet have good experience in politics and gov't. Either would make an excellent and fresh candidate, a lot like Pat Murphy was in the 8th in 2006.
