Sunday, April 22, 2007

PA in the WSJ

It was a slow week for Pennsylvania in the Wall Street Journal.

PA Politicians

Rep. John Murtha is quoted as supporting a two-month funding bill in “Bush, Democrats Tackle Funding,” by David Rogers (4/19)

PA Businesses

Hershey is featured in “The Case for a Hersey-Cadbury Romance,” by Julie Jargon (4/19)

Comcast will provide content to a new online video venture (“Comcast to Provide Content to News Corp., NBC Venture,” 4/17)

Allentown based PPL will sell its Bolivian electricity-delivery operation and a related company. (“Employee Group to Bolivian Electric Unit,” 4/18)

Other PA

Robert Nelson reviews “The Day the Earth Caved In,” by Joan Quickly in 4/17. The book is on a fire in an abandoned mine in Centralia, PA

In “Next Debate: Should Colleges Ban Firearms?” by Vanessa O’Connell, Gary Fields, and Dean Treftz (4/18) we find this rather odd sentence, “In the wake of the recent Amish school shooting in Pennsylvania, there was renewed debate about the possible merits of arming schoolteachers.” I don’t think Amish teachers would carry guns even if they were allowed.

Research from the University of Pittsburgh is discussed in “Antidepressants Get a Boost For Use in Teens,” by Elizabeth Bernstein and Jennifer Corbett Dooren (4/18)

“Cuomo to Sue Drexel Over Loans as Other Schools Settle,” by Jennifer Levitz (4/20) discusses Drexel

A book by University of Pennsylvania professor, Witold Rybczynski, “Last Harvest” is reviewed by Andrew Ferguson (4/20)

Wharton professor Steve Smolinsky is quoted in “The Most-Praised General Goes to Work,” by Jeffrey Zaslow (4/20)

A Penn professor, Jeremy Siegel, is quoted in “More Professors Are Lured Out of Ivory Tower to Street,” (4/21)

Pennsylvania is among the states listed that have released some court records online, making them available to the public. From “Why You Should Spy on Yourself,” by M. P. McQueen (4/21)

Other Interesting Tidbits

None that I wanted to include.

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