Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Reform Commission, Part II

From the inbox:

In the first part of its work, the Speaker’s commission focused on reforms to the rules of the House of Representatives. Now the commission is looking at other proposed reforms that would require changes in state law or even constitutional amendments. Do you have something to say about open records, campaign finance reform, term limits, or the size of the legislature? This is your chance.

Later this month, the reform commission will hold public input sessions at western, eastern, and central locations in Pennsylvania . You are invited to attend and speak. Even if you don’t speak, you’re welcome to come and listen.

The public input sessions are as follows:

April 19, PITTSBURGH – Gold Room of the Allegheny County Courthouse, 436 Grant St.

April 26, PHILADELPHIA – Room 202 A/B, Pa. Convention Center, 1101 Arch St.

April 27, HARRISBURG – Room 140 Main Capitol

Each day’s session begins at 9 a.m. and is expected to go until early afternoon.

To sign up to testify, please contact Bill Patton at bpatton@speakerobrien.com. If you are unable to testify in person, you may submit your testimony online by emailing reform@speakerobrien.com, and I will share it with my colleagues on the Commission.

Another announcement I saw indicated that the testimony could go on until 4 p.m. so pack a lunch if you go.

Curious about what the commission have done? Read an editorial by comission co-chair and deputy speaker Rep. Josh Shapiro on the commissions efforts.

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