Monday, April 02, 2007

Big Bloggy Welcome to the Pennsylvania Policy Blog

Thar's a new blog in town and it ain't takin' no guff. The Pennsylvania Policy Blog describes its mission as:

There are lots of sources about the politics of public policy and law making in Pennsylvania. In fact many media accounts often focus exclusively on the politics of the process and give short shrift to the merits of specific policy proposals. It's a style of coverage called horse-race journalism.

The Pennsylvania Policy Blog aims to provide a horserace-free discussion of public policy proposals and coverage of the larger economic, social, and cultural issues that the proposals are intended to address.

So here you won't find much discussion about what legislative leaders will benefit from what legislation, or about whether Democrats or Republicans are winning the battle for public opinion.

Instead what you'll find is a substantive (if sometimes irreverent) discussion of whether proposed policies actually have any chance of accomplishing the goals their authors proclaim. We'll suggest constructive alternatives. We'll also spend time asking whether the problems current policy proposals seek to address are in fact the most important problems facing Pennsylvania today.

Check it out at:

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