Monday, March 19, 2007

PA-Based Leadership PACs

This past election season we heard a lot about leadership PACs. My interest was further piqued by a recent article in Politico (“Junior Democrats Launch Leadership PACs,” by: Kenneth P. Vogel, 3/09)
March 9, 2007 03:26 PM EST

I found further information on the newly elected official’s PACs; none had Pennsylvania connections, with the possible exception of Freshmen Democrats, though none of the names listed were from Pennsylvania. (See "Six Democratic Members Start PACs Since Election," PoliticalMoneyLine Staff 1/31

However, if you are interested, a number of Pennsylvania’s current and past elected officials do have PACs. This list is taken from the Leadership PAC List of I have provided the name of the PAC and the official’s name. Click on the link to see how much each raised in 2005-06, how much went to Republicans and Democrats. Keep in mind that some, like Dent’s were only recently established.

America's Foundation Rick Santorum (R-Pa)
Big Tent PAC Arlen Specter (R-Pa)
Cmte for a United Republican Team Curt Weldon (R-Pa)
DENT PAC Charles Wieder Dent (R-Pa)
Doing Our Nation's Service PAC Donald L. Sherwood (R-Pa)
Helping Advance the Republican Team PAC Melissa Hart (R-Pa)
Majority PAC John P. Murtha (D-Pa)
Pro-Growth Action Team ex-Rep Pat Toomey (R-Pa)
Prosperity Helps Inspire Liberty PAC Phil English (R-Pa)

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