Sunday, March 18, 2007

Monday Night Evans Video Chat

Monday the 19th at 7:00 p.m. Democratic Philadelphia mayoral candidate, Dwight Evans, is having another video chat. I'll have to miss this one because of a family conflict. Hopefully I can catch it on the campaign site Tuesday; they are usually available the next day.

The nice thing about this kind of public forum is that it does mesh well with a busy household (provided you have wireless). I can watch from home and carry the laptop around the house as household activity moves and changes. I started watching last week's chat sitting on the dining room floor finishing up my spaghetti, then moved to the landing outside the bathroom while the youngest kid took a bath, dropping out to turn on and off the water or put my plate in the dishwasher.

To join in just click on the link on Evans' campaign site while the chat is in session.

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