Tomorrow (Monday 2/26) evening PCN has two shows that might pique your interest.
At 7 p.m. Sen. Vince Fumo will be one of two guests on the PCN Call-In Show. He will be appearing with Sen. Gib Armstrong to discuss the budget. Yes, that is correct, Vince Fumo will be on a live show that lets people call in and ask questions. Now, I'm sure PCN and the senators would all like callers to stay on topic, but I've watched the show and people's questions do stray into other areas. Far be it from me to suggest anyone do such a thing. I'm just saying it's been done before. I won't be able to watch it live but hope to catch it on replay some time.
Those interested in the Philadelphia mayoral race might enjoy a 9 p.m. PCN broadcast of a mayoral debate. I hope to watch this and take notes. The schedule doesn't say but I think this is a rebroadcast of an earlier event. One of the mayoral campaigns was kind enough to send me a list of mayoral forums (thank you!) and there are none on the list for 2/26 at 9 p.m.
The truly wonkish might enjoy the 9 a.m. PennPIRG discussion on Media Ownership.
Or maybe the station will rearrange the schedule at the last minute. You just never know....
surely you mean "pique your interest"..?
Gaahh!!! And me with all that college French. Thank you. I fixed it.