Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Local Corporate News

K'Nex, those fine people who make a variety of construction toys, are celebrating their 15th anniversary this year. Based in Hatfield, the privately owned company has about 12% of the national construction toy market. It is considerably higher in my house where the living room is often decorated with some form of one or more K'Nex structures. From a parents' viewpoint K'Nex is a superior product as the pieces are large enough that they are easy to spot on the carpet but small and sleek enough that if you step on a stray one while going to the bathroom in the middle of the night you don't maim yourself. (Source: "Connector of Sales and Marketing," by Janet Pinkerton, Inquirer 2/19)

From The Bucks County Courier Post ("Ethanol Maker Eyes Riverfront," by James Mcginnis, 2/19):

Rohm and Haas is considering the sale of its waterfront property to a petroleum company that wants to build an ethanol plant on the banks of the Delaware River near Maple Beach and north of the Burlington-Bristol Bridge.

Welcome news, or not, depending on your viewpoint.

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