Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Hoeffel to Run for Montco Commissioner

According to Dave Davies of the Daily News, Joe Hoeffel, will run for Montgomery County Commissioner. Here is an excerpt:

Hoeffel is a high-profile Democrat. He and his running mate, incumbent commissioner Ruth Damsker, hope to capture a majority of the three-member commission and break a pattern of Republican control more than 100 years old.

"I'm told the high-water mark for the Democrats in the Montgomery County Courthouse was last reached in the administration of Ulysses S. Grant," Hoeffel said in a telephone interview yesterday. "But the county is changing. Democratic performance in recent elections shows that, and polling we've taken shows that."

Hoeffel has held elective office as state representative for the seat now held by Josh Shapiro, Montgomery County Commissioner, and later congressional representative for the 13 district, now held by Allyson Schwartz.

(h/t jf)

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