Friday, January 19, 2007

weekly legislative update

Not much happened in the state legislature this week, although a few resolutions were introduced and passed on the 17th. The only one in the house was this:

Resolution No. 8 By Representatives DeWEESE, McCALL and S. H. SMITH. Printer's No. 2. A Resolution adopting as temporary rules for the House of Representatives the Rules of the House of Representatives (2005-2006), further providing for standing committees and subcommittees and for voting; and making editorial changes.

However a few older things were reported and that always catches my eye. This bill was laid on the table and removed from the table back in July and October.

HB 1554 Printer's No. 3151. An Act amending the act of July 19, 1979 (P.L.130, No.48), known as the Health Care Facilities Act, prohibiting third-party guarantees of payment for admission; imposing powers and duties upon the Department of Health; and imposing penalties for violation.

The Senate passed a resolution on Jan. 2, naming some senators to a committee to make arrangements for the governor's inaugural. I was a little surprised at at least one of these names.

Introduced and adopted, Jan. 2, 2007
Senator Joseph B. Scarnati, III, Chairman
Senator Dominic F. Pileggi
Senator Robert D. Robbins
Senator Robert M. Tomlinson
Senator Michael L. Waugh
Senator Jane Clare Orie
Senator Robert C. Wonderling
Senator John R. Gordner
Senator Michael W. Brubaker
Senator Christine M. Tartaglione
Senator John N. Wozniak
Senator Lisa M. Boscola
Senator Sean F. Logan
Senator Jim Ferlo
Senator Wayne D. Fontana
Senator Andrew Dinniman

Maybe next week will be a little more active.

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