Thursday, January 11, 2007

weekly legislative update

It's a day early but I'm going out on a limb here. Like the dog in the night the Pennsylvania state legislature did nothing this week, or, to be more accurate, no bills were introduced, shuffled, or passed. At least none were through this evening so I'll bet none will be tomorrow either.

Things may be slow over the weekend but to keep you coming back, here's a few posts in the works for next week or soon thereafter:

* a summary of the June house journals, now that all of June has been posted to the state's website

* a look at the three collar county's system of government, with a closer look at one or two row office jobs

* a few quirky odds and ends

For your entertainment between now and then, I offer these:

I will admit to having Star Trek "action figures" on my desk and it is possible there is a dusty phaser somewhere in my closet, but even I do not reach the peak of geekiness that Oregon Democrat David Wu does. Read the full story over at Pennsyltucky Politics. It is almost as bad as Santorum's Eye of Morder moment.

If you like Oprah and Dr. Phil, you will enjoy reading the full legal tawdriness of one county commissioner's personal problems. PAWatercooler has the details. It made me cringe.

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