Saturday, January 13, 2007

PA Congressmen in the WSJ

Two Pennsylvania Congressmen showed up in the Wall Street Journal this week. There may have been others. If so, I missed them.

Rep. John Murtha (D-12) has an entire article to himself: “Murtha Seeks Limits on Plan to Increase Iraq Forces,” by David Rodgers (1/09). Here is one paragraph:

But Mr. Murtha believes the November election results show voters want Congress to be more of a check on Mr. Bush’s handling of Iraq. And as chairman of the Appropriations subcommittee charged with the Iraq funding bill, his goal is [to] build bipartisan support by making a public case and forcing a debate on whether increasing troop levels would be too much of a strain on the military.

The article discusses his strategy in some detail.

On Friday the 12th, another article on Iraq, “Bush Bets Congress Will Have to Back Plan,” by Yoshi J. Dreazen and Neil King, Jr., ends with these two paragraphs:

Indeed, several of the newly elected Democrats who had made the war a central part of their campaigns stopped short of placing restrictions on troop levels. Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa), chairman of the House Appropriations defense subcommittee, said such language could be part of future spending legislation, but some Democrats said they were not yet prepared to back such a measure.

“We’re not at that point yet,” said Rep. Patrick Murphy, a Pennsylvania Democrat and Iraq veteran.

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