Monday, January 22, 2007

Legislative Reform Commission Members

From today's issue of the ever-informative Capitol Ideas, we find this:

New state House Speaker Dennis O'Brien, R-Philadelphia, has named his 24-member (got that? 24 freaking members.) of his Legislative Reform Commission. Here are the candidates for gridlock, by party.
For the GOP: Reps. David Argall, Kerry Benninghoff, Jim Cox, Craig Dally, Glen Grell, Jerry Nailor, Brad Roae, Sam Rohrer, Carole Rubley, Curt Schroder, David Steil and Michael Vereb.
For the Democrats: Reps. Mark Cohen, Bob Freeman, Tim Mahoney, Kathy Manderino, Phyllis Mundy, Chris Sainato, Josh Shapiro, Tom Tangretti, W. Curtis Thomas, Greg Vitali, Don Walko and Jewell Williams.
Shapiro and Steil will chair the commission.
Let the cat-herding begin.

So if one of these reps is yours, send your suggestions directly to him or her.

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