Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Deputy? Dawg!!!!!

PennLive has an article ("AP Interview: O'Brien reveals details of 'deal' over speakership," by Mark Scolforo) saying a few startling things. One is that new Speaker of the Pennsylvania House Dennis O'Brien agreed not to raise money for candidates from either party. The other involves Montco wunderkind Rep. Josh Shapiro:

Michael Piecuch, formerly a House Judiciary Committee attorney, is O'Brien's chief of staff, and a second-term Democrat from Montgomery County, Rep. Josh Shapiro, will fill the newly created post of deputy speaker, O'Brien said. Shapiro recruited O'Brien to run for speaker against Rep. John M. Perzel. O'Brien referred to Shapiro several times as "my new best friend" and said Shapiro will help him get input from rank-and-file members. He said numerous questions remain about the new power structure and that there will be a "sorting-out process."
What's next? Will he be leaping tall buildings in a single bound?


  1. I wonder if he has the blessing of the caucus, or if he's ruffling feathers with all of his Wunderkind-i-ness.

  2. DD, I have wondered about that myself. It is human nature not to enjoy watching someone else zoom ahead of you on the work/success ladder.

    PD, in time maybe, but not yet...
