This evening I watched "Taking the Hill," which followed four veterans running for congress. These are only my impressions and rough notes. I encourage you to seek an opportunity to watch it yourself.
Taking the Hill (12/12/06) Discovery Times channel
2/08/06 Band of Brothers meeting. Mike Lyon director of the Band of Brothers. Eric Massa watches himself at the rally on tv. Over 50 veterans running as Dems. Only 1 Republican. Massa and Cleland on Air America. “I wore a uniform almost all my life so other people could become millionaires and now I’m calling those people for help.”
Patrick Murphy in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. “When I got back [from Iraq] I thought I’d live a normal life but when your country needs you your country needs you.” Follows Murphy’s parents campaigning for him. When he first decided to run he talked with Sen. Max Cleland to get his advice. Scenes from a bbq in Bristol (Paul Lang in the background). Murphy talking to Gwen Ifill. Says he is there to make a change not to keep a seat.
Rick Bolanos from Texas, dad came from Mexico. His family had four brothers serve in Vietnam. Campaigns with two of his brothers against VA cuts.
Tammy Duckworth of Illinois. Says the bridesmaid at her wedding is now flying helicopters in Iraq. Duckworth lost both her legs in Iraq.
Eric Massa fundraising in NY, dialing for dollars at the dinner table, talking about how difficult it is. Meeting with professional fundraiser. Massa talks about all the advice he gets, such as not being so outspoken.
Bolanos of Texas. Has a truck with an MIA flag on it. His Texas flag was stolen. Running on passion not on money. Doesn’t have money to mail out brochures so takes them and hands them out at grocery stores, etc. National Dems say “if you raise a million dollars we’ll give you a million dollars.”
Congressman Rahm Emanuel, chair of DCCC, goes to meet Eric Massa. RE says you have to raise $200K every month. Don’t be so angry, be more likeable. Don’t let your family down.
Murphy, Duckworth, Duck (MD), and another veteran candidate in Chicago for Vanity Fair shoot.
Duckworth in Wheaten Ill for 4th of July parade. Sen. Durbin campaigns with/for her.
Murphy at debate with Fitzpatrick at the Intelligencer. After the debate Murphy says he won. “Paratroopers call it like it is.”
Massa says he raised more in this congressional race than in his entire military career but D’s say he is a fundraising failure. Has a tv ad. D’s say too Republican. Asks Cleland who says too warm and fuzzy.
Bolanos checks on rally. Says if it’s an anti-war rally he can’t stay because we need to support the troops. Visits home of young woman soldier who died in the war. He speaks to her parents.
Murphy at a fundraiser with Stephen Stills.
Massa looking at the Red to Blue website. He is not on the list. He debates the incumbent, Rep. Randy Kuhn. Says in debate that he would not ban flagburning. Massa thinks it will cost him the election.
Murphy in his campaign headquarters, talking about incumbent Fitzpatrick’s press conference where Murphy’s service was questioned. Clinton campaigns for Murphy.
Bolanos says his family is spending every cent on his campaign. Drops out of the race.
Duckworth debates Republican Peter Roskam.
Massa says if he wins it won’t be with DC’s help. Cleland and Clinton campaign for him. Massa wonders where Rahn Emanuel is that day.
Murphy at a union meeting. "23 hours away from greatness (election)."
Duckworth at rally. Focus on getting the vote out. Barack Obama campaigns for her.
Massa on election day. Says he loves campaigning on the street, much more than calling people and asking for money.
Murphy the day before election day. Fitzpatrick is a the same train station as Murphy, says Murphy is a one issue candidate. Murphy says he has been at the station every single work day and Fitzpatrick’s last minute campaigning won’t help.
Massa watching the returns. Gets annoyed when Rahm Emanuel says he found veteran candidates. Massa says if he wins it is against all the odds.
Murphy showing his 82nd airborne cufflinks. Hearing returns. Murphy wins. Promises to make supporters proud. Won by 1521 votes.
Duckworth concedes to Roskam.
Massa gets 49% of the vote.
Only 4 of the original 62 Band of Brothers elected. The 2007 congress will have the fewest number of veterans since World War I.
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