Sunday, December 03, 2006

Tom Ellis, Bruce Castor, and a Poll

Bruce Castor, Montgomery County District Attorney, commissioned a poll to see how incumbent Republican officials are viewd by the electorate and it came up with a few surprises. The only name leaked so far is county commissioner Tom Ellis, who "fared poorly." This information, and more, is provided in an article from the Times Herald, "Poll: Ellis' re-eleciton chances 'real low," by Margaret Gibbons (12/01/06). It isn't online but both GrassrootsPA and PoliticsPA have a pdf copy.

And here I thought things might be boring out here in the 'burbs in '07. Guess not.


  1. Hope your not a Bruce Castor fan because he is a real good example of the worst public official I've seen. Castor often uses his office to threaten, intimidate or exercise politics - justice can be really "blind" under Castor in Montgomery County Pa.

    I can't wait to see the outcome of the Reid case.

  2. God help MOntgomery County if Bruce Castor gets elected Commissioner. Let's hope the voters are smart enough to send his arrogant, corrupt, sorry ass packing!

  3. Bruce Castor has done amazing things in this county- for one, he shut down a publicly funded abortion clinic. I feel better knowing that it was shut down- now i'm not wasting money on people irresponsibilities.

    FYI- I am a 24 year old female who will be voting for Bruce Castor tomorrow.

  4. What the hell is going on with the sentencing of Rafael Robb. 4.5 to 7 years for brutally murdering his wife and Castor's excuse is "circumstantial evidence". I thought the movement against domestic violence was going forward he just moved it back 20 years. Please tell me someone in Mongomery County is going to do something as a community. I will personally come from York County and stand by your community. I am a victim of attempted murder by my ex-husband who serving 5 for aggravated assault. I know there has to be an organization against domestic violence in your community. Please contact me.
