Friday, December 08, 2006

Now They Tell Us.....

From today's Inquirer ("As Congress Winds Down, It's Time to Get a Move On," by Darlene Superville), I note this paragraph:

Thanks to the election, the Senate will have a new candyman or woman next year. [Rick] Santorum was the keeper of the desk that is traditionally the source of sweets for senators coming into the chamber. He stocked it with Hershey chocolates as well as jellybeans and candy corn.

Let me get this straight, an incumbent senator faces an uphill re-election battle and is especially having trouble getting traction with woman voters. He has a secret stash of chocolate and he's doling it out to old white men in the senate!!! I hate to play into stereotypes but where is the logic in giving chocolate to people who can't vote for you? He should have been throwing bags of the stuff at every public appearance. I swear.

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