Wednesday, December 13, 2006

News Round Up

This note from Rick Taylor's campaign:

Excited to begin offering services to the constituents of the PA 151st Legislative District, Representative-Elect Rick Taylor announced today that his District office will be located at 701 Horsham Road in Horsham , PA. The office, which will open just before the holidays, will be a full service center to accommodate the needs of all constituents in the District. “My number one goal is to provide excellent constituent services for everyone. I ran for public office with the promise of taking care of our families and I will follow through with that promise – one constituent need at a time” Taylor said. In addition to the office in Horsham, Taylor plans to have a mobile “office” to accommodate those who may not be able to travel due to medical or other reasons. “My staff and I will travel to all parts of the District in order to insure all constituent needs are handled quickly and efficiently.” Taylor added.

For those in the city limits, check out this event:

You are invited to the opening event of Local Politics Matter! We're holding a toy drive for families in South Philly, who are in need during the holiday season. Mayoral and City Council Candidates are expected to attend and show their support for the community. Please join us at 1601 on Tuesday, Dec. 16, at 7 p.m. It's located at 1601 South 10th Street, on the corner of 10th and Tasker streets. You can also visit the events calendar at for more details. There is no cost to attend, and all we ask is that you bring a new, unwrapped toy. The toys will be distributed to children through a church a couple of blocks away.

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