Monday, December 18, 2006

Bruce Almighty, Part III

It appears that incumbent Republican Montgomery County Commissioner Tom Ellis plans to run for re-election, even after the release of a poll paid for by incumbent Republican Montgomery County Attorney General Bruce Castor showed him to have some serious negatives in the eyes of the public.

Vowing he will not be "bullied," Montgomery County Commissioners Chairman Thomas J. Ellis says he intends to seek re-election next year despite his poor showing in a controversial poll commissioned by fellow Republican, county District Attorney Bruce L. Castor Jr.

"It is my belief that polls will say whatever you want them to say, depending on who is paying for it," said Ellis, a lawyer from Cheltenham who will be seeking a second four-year term as commissioner. ("Ellis will pursue re-election despite negative poll," By Margaret Gibbons, Times Herald 12/18/2006)

Okay, so let's all keep in mind that, in his view, no polls are reliable. He plans to pay for one himself, which he expects to be favorable but equally unreliable. Good use of money there. Further into the article it says that State Rep. Kate Harper (R-61) may jump into the race. It will be very interesting to see who the Democratic candidates are, other than incumbent Ruth Damsker.

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