Monday, December 11, 2006

A Bevy of Announcements

A number of political industry announcements in the inbox recently:

Campaigns & Elections is having a seminar on All Things Ethical / Political in Las Vegas on March 15 and 16. Topics they plan to cover include:

Handling Ethical Dilemmas
Fund Raising Ethics and The Law
Direct Mail Standards – How far can you go?
Internet Ethics: Changing Concepts, Changing Ethics?
Negative Television Advertising – Is negative the new positive?
Religiously Incorrect? The Appropriate Role of Religion in Politics
Polling – Defining your message

Progressive States has an agenda and they want your help with it:
With you, we can win the fight for paid sick days, ensuring that workers don't have to choose between taking care of their sick kids and having the money to pay rent. We will win the fight for election day registration and expanded vote-by-mail that ensure every eligible voter can cast a ballot easily and that all the ballots are counted fairly. We will win the fight for renewable energy development, freeing us from foreign domination of our energy economy while creating clean jobs here at home.

On our own, the Progressive States Network is just a handful of people with some good ideas. With you and your friends on our team, we can be a force to change America.

The man who developed a campaign finance software for Russ Diamond's independent campaign for governor is making his product available to the public. Details here.

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