Saturday, November 18, 2006

A Hat in the Ring for State Treasurer

The dust still hasn't settled in a few elections, but, life goes on. Since State Treasurer Bob Casey, Jr., has now been elected to the US Senate, a new treasurer will have to be appointed. At least one hat has been tossed in the ring. Fred Viskovich has set up a website,, to announce his willingness to serve the remaining two years and then bow out.


  1. The machinations involved in this pick are endless. This is so inside baseball I doubt if a website will help. But the internet junkie in me applauds the gentleman for stating his case on the web.

  2. Gort,

    I agree with you on the inside baseball. Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall when the make the final pick? Still, like you, I think stating one's case in public is a good thing.

  3. I myself like Baer's suggestion to put CBK there and then get a lt gov who could hold the seat in Democratic hands in 2010.

  4. PD, it is an intriguing thought but it would be odd for a lt gov to shift to state treasurer. However, it would make it easier for Rendell to take a cabinet position if he wanted to and one were offered.
