Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Update #1

ABC News has projected Allyson Schwartz the winner of the 13th congressional district. No shock there. With 32% of the vote in Carney is leading Sherwood 56/44 in the 10th congressional district. The 6th, 7th, and 8th all show Democrats leading but with only a small percentage of voting districts reporting in.

The Bucks County election results page, with 65 of 307 districts reporting in shows Patrick Murphy ahead of Mike Fitzpatrick 52/48. In the 6th state senate, with 33 of 135 districts reporting, Tomlinson leads Lang 53/46.

The Democratic Caucus of the PA House has election results up. With 38 of 44 districts reporing it looks like Republican Jim Marshall is ahead of incumbent Democrat Mike Veon. Both Rick Taylor and Bryan Lentz are ahead of the Republican incumbents but with less than half of the districts reporting in.

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