Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Eavesdropping on the Train

Yesterday was a train day. Instead of reading the New Yorker I just sat and let my mind wander. My ears perked up when I heard the woman back one seat and across the aisle say "Patrick Murphy was at the train station this morning shaking hands with people." She and her seatmate started comparing notes on Murphy's policies and the seatmate was able to come up with his website ( for her to email a question. It was one I could answer but shouting political details across the train goes against SEPTA etiquette and the campaign is pretty good about answering emails so she'll get the info she wanted. I was impressed that the seatmate could tell her the campaign URL and that both of them were well informed.

This morning's Inquirer had an article on the 8th district race ("In Bucks, a nail-biter: U.S. Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick and Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy are furiously stumping for any edge," by Christine Schiavo). It starts with quotes from the county party chairs:

"This race will not be decided until the later part of Tuesday evening," predicted John Cordisco, chairman of the Bucks County Democratic Committee.

"We believe it's going to be close, and we're going to have to work hard to get the vote out," said Harry Fawkes, chairman of the Bucks County Republicans.

and ends with a quote from political pundit Terry Madonna:

This isn't a typical congressional election, Madonna said. It's been fought more on big national issues than smaller localized issues. And that, he said, makes it anybody's race.

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